Hi Beloved, you came back!
Just as you are. And we love to see it.
We are so happy you've chosen self-care AGAIN through mental health and spiritual direction services. Welcome to your space to come, to be, and to find the resources you need to continue care with Come As You Are Collective. This space was created just for you, our VIPs! Here, you can book your sessions, find client forms, leave reviews, pay for services and much more!
Unsure? Reach out with questions. We would be happy to help!

Book Your Session
Therapeutic Counseling
Please find the provider of your choosing in the list below to book directly via the links provided.
Stay tuned for Providers!
More providers coming soon! We are currently looking to add Spiritual Directors and trained and California licensed therapists to our team. If you, or someone you know might be right for the job, please reach out or share we are looking!
Paying for Your Services
Based on the pricing tab on our website, please remit payment for your services after each session. You choose the price, if you’ve chosen to barter or exchange services with CAYA, please email your practitioner.
If you're using our barter service, please email our office 2 weeks before your next session with the following information: Client's Name, practitioner's name, next session date, and barter offering. We will get back with you after it's been submitted. If you do not hear back from our office 72 hours before your next session, please attend your next session and make your practitioner aware that a barter offering has been submitted.

Documents & Forms
Consent Form - granting us consent to care for you gives you agency and allows us to respect that at any point, this permission can be revoked. Consent is key!
Care Survey - client questionnaire that allows us to best serve you by obtaining personal information, you choose to share, along with emergency contact information
Contact Us
Our office is here to serve, so please contact us for any assistance.