Spiritual Direction & Accompaniment
What is Spiritual Direction?
Let's start with what it's not... It's NOT Therapy and it's NOT Counseling
Spiritual Direction is similar because all includes:
Trained and certified providers
One-to-one relationship building
Trusting and Confidential guidance
Deep listening & accompaniment
Spiritual Direction is different because this discipline includes:
Exploring what you hold sacred and divine
Accompanying your awareness of your own spirituality
How do you navigate spiritual transformation?
Unpacking your holy
Spiritual direction is like relationship counseling with the God of your understanding.
- Spiritual Direction Client
"Spiritual Direction process of contemplative listening carried out in the context of a one-to-one trusting and confidential relationship. A trained spiritual director journeys with another person by listening to that person’s life story and experiences with an ear for the movement of the spirit, the presence of the sacred, and/or the insights that come from making deep meaningful connections. By offering supportive responses as appropriate and encouraging deepening reflection, clients can open up to new understandings and paths of growth. Spiritual accompaniment is typically conducted in monthly sessions that range from 45 - 60 minutes." as eloquently phrased by Still Harbor, Spiritual Director Trainer and Supervisor.
Barter - $75/session.
Spiritual Directors and their Approach
Rev. Whittney-Marie
Education: Christian Theological Seminary (MDiv.), Butler University (B.A), UCLA Health Chaplain Residency (‘21-22), Still Harbor Spiritual Direction Practicum (‘23)
Hobbies: Roller Skating, audiobooks in LA traffic, thrifting, languages, chess, and road trips (inserts audiobooks again :)
Do you have a spiritual director?: Yes, I meet regularly with my spiritual director AND therapist
The late author and activist, Audre Lorde, said “I am not free while any woman is unfree, even when her shackles are very different from my own.” I hold this type of radical expression of love very near and dear to my heart. My ministry is based on freeing as many bound individuals as possible, no matter the form of their chains. So, my spirituality is wrapped in the radical expressions of love, the unselfish boldness of hospitality, and the courageous fight for the freedoms we all deserve. How do I do that? Well, by affirming the God in all and leaning into the little graces that fill my cup to make this a sustainable ministry.
My training in Spiritual Direction and Accompaniment is supervised by Still Habor practitioners who train spiritual leaders and caregivers working towards a collective liberation for all, particularly QTBIPOC (LGBTQ+Trans Black Indigenous Persons of Color).

Coming Soon!

Coming Soon!

We're searching for the best providers to meet your needs. Know anyone? We're hiring!!!

Frequently Asked Questions
Who is involved?
A person who is mentally stable and mature and is seeking Mystery many name God
What is the goal?
Deepen one’s relationship with God; discover, attend to, and savor presence of God every day
What is the process?
Telling of stories; open responses; silence; waiting; noticing together God’s guidance
How does it work?
Sharing; listening; discernment; and contemplative practices, e.g. prayer, surrendering ego to God’s guidance
What do we talk about?
Daily life, relationships, deepest desires, struggles, prayer, God’s presence and spiritual directee’s responses
How do I know how it's going?
Discernment; mutually agreed-upon evaluation; deepening of relationship with Mystery many name God
*from Christine Luna Munger Spiritual Direction Certificate Coordinator Saint Catherine University, St. Paul, Minnesota, USA - see here